Unusual activity detection for monitoring applications


Unusual activity detection is the process of identifying and detecting the activities which are different from actual or well-defined set of activities and attract human attention. We have developed an application to automatically detect unusual activities. Generally, humans follow a sequence in their actions. Based upon these sequences of activities, we will classify them into the usual and unusual activities. A lot of human resources are required to monitor the vast number of surveillance cameras installed in public and private places. So, it is highly recommended to have an automatic algorithm which can detect unusual activities and trigger action.


Our work on unusual activity detection is based on four steps leading to detection of unusual activity or anomaly in everyday activities of people. The four detection steps are,

1. Human detection using deep CNN object detection model trained on popular datasets such as INRIA person dataset and Caltech pedestrian dataset containing videos taken in indoor and outdoor environments.

2. Deep neural network based cascaded regression for human anatomical keypoints detection and pose estimation using MPII human multi-person dataset and the COCO 2016 keypoints challenge dataset.

3. Activity classification based on distance between keypoints detected by pose estimation using ensemble of different video datasets such as HMDB, ASLAN for activity recognition

4. Unusual activity detection based on both detection of individual activity or classification of sequence of activities using Recurrent Neural Network LSTM.


The preliminary experimental results for unusual human activity detection model using LSTM recurrent neural network are described below:

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Visual Surveillance through Content Based Retrieval

Security related applications such as Defence, Military, checking in the airports

Home-based rehabilitation

Assisting the sick and disabled patients for Ambient Assisted Living environment

Remote monitoring of elderly persons, jail inmates, patients in hospitals, care-centres for differently abled people

Sample videos


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Copyright © 2017. Bennett University, Greater Noida

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